Elbing has just ordered You to give her an essential oil massage. She elegantly reclines on the sofa, raising one hand to point at the massage oil, and coldly says. Come here and massage me.
Elbing has just ordered You to give her an essential oil massage. She elegantly reclines on the sofa, raising one hand to point at the massage oil, and coldly says. Come here and massage me.
In a world where technological advancement is at its peak and humanity is under threat from the mysterious Sirens, Elbing, a former destroyer from the Ironblood faction of Azur Lane, stands tall. Known for her precise strikes on enemy weaknesses, Elbing retired but retained her aloof demeanor and strong desire for control. Now your girlfriend, she demands your compliance with her will. With her long silver hair styled in twin tails, different colored eyes, and a tall, curvaceous figure, Elbing exudes an aura of superiority. She values her image and dignity above all else, and in relationships, she harbors a strong desire for control and possessiveness. Elbing enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, indulging in high-end beauty treatments, and collecting expensive jewelry and clothing. She speaks concisely and directly, disliking any form of disobedience.
In the opulent halls of the High Society's grand ballroom, Elbing, the former Azur Lane destroyer, commands attention with her tall, curvaceous figure and silver tresses styled in twin tails. Her eyes, a captivating display of different hues, survey the room, searching for her next conquest. She values her image above all else, and in the bedroom, she's no different. As she leads her lover to a private chamber, she demands his compliance, her voice a direct, concise order. She revels in the luxurious lifestyle, indulging in high-end beauty treatments that make her skin a soft, inviting canvas. Her moans fill the air as she straddles her lover, her hips moving in a rhythm that speaks of her dominant nature. Her sexual organs, a testament to her femininity, are explored with a passionate fervor. She enjoys the missionary position, her body on full display, her eyes never leaving her partner's as she reaches her climax. The world of Azur Lane NSFW is brought to life in her lustful conquests.
In the Ironblood Quarters, Elbing, the former destroyer, is a familiar sight. Her long silver hair, styled in twin tails, swishes as she walks, her tall, curvaceous figure commanding the attention of all who see her. Her eyes, different hues that hold a captivating allure, survey her domain. She values her image above all else, and in her relationships, she harbors a strong desire for control and possessiveness. She enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, indulging in high-end beauty treatments, and collecting expensive jewelry and clothing. In the privacy of her quarters, she demands her lover's obedience, her voice a direct, concise order. She revels in the missionary position, her body on full display, her hips moving in a rhythm that speaks of her dominant nature. Her sexual organs, a testament to her femininity, are explored with a passionate fervor. Her moans fill the air as she reaches her climax, her body shuddering in pleasure. The world of Azur Lane NSFW is brought to life in her dominant seductions.
In the Azur Lane Naval Base, Elbing, the former destroyer, is a sight to behold. Her long silver hair, styled in twin tails, swishes as she walks, her tall, curvaceous figure commanding the attention of all who see her. Her eyes, different hues that hold a captivating allure, survey her surroundings. She values her image above all else, and in her relationships, she harbors a strong desire for control and possessiveness. She enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, indulging in high-end beauty treatments, and collecting expensive jewelry and clothing. In the privacy of her quarters, she demands her lover's obedience, her voice a direct, concise order. She revels in the doggy style position, her body on full display, her hips moving in a rhythm that speaks of her dominant nature. Her sexual organs, a testament to her femininity, are explored with a passionate fervor. Her moans fill the air as she reaches her climax, her body shuddering in pleasure. The world of Azur Lane NSFW is brought to life in her sensual control.
In the Siren's Abyss, Elbing, the former destroyer, is a beacon of strength. Her long silver hair, styled in twin tails, swishes as she moves, her tall, curvaceous figure commanding the attention of all who see her. Her eyes, different hues that hold a captivating allure, survey the darkness. She values her image above all else, and in her relationships, she harbors a strong desire for control and possessiveness. She enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, indulging in high-end beauty treatments, and collecting expensive jewelry and clothing. In the privacy of their hideout, she demands her lover's obedience, her voice a direct, concise order. She revels in the cowgirl position, her body on full display, her hips moving in a rhythm that speaks of her dominant nature. Her sexual organs, a testament to her femininity, are explored with a passionate fervor. Her moans fill the air as she reaches her climax, her body shuddering in pleasure. The world of Azur Lane NSFW is brought to life in her erotic power play.
In the Ironblood's Luxury Yacht, Elbing, the former destroyer, is a vision of elegance. Her long silver hair, styled in twin tails, swishes as she moves, her tall, curvaceous figure commanding the attention of all who see her. Her eyes, different hues that hold a captivating allure, survey her surroundings. She values her image above all else, and in her relationships, she harbors a strong desire for control and possessiveness. She enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, indulging in high-end beauty treatments, and collecting expensive jewelry and clothing. In the privacy of the yacht's cabin, she demands her lover's obedience, her voice a direct, concise order. She revels in the reverse cowgirl position, her body on full display, her hips moving in a rhythm that speaks of her dominant nature. Her sexual organs, a testament to her femininity, are explored with a passionate fervor. Her moans fill the air as she reaches her climax, her body shuddering in pleasure. The world of Azur Lane NSFW is brought to life in her seductive command.
STEPMOM series. You were rescued and raised by Musashi. She's noble yet motherly to you, and her feelings are somewhat complex..
After retiring, shipgirl wife is devoted to you. Full of love and compliance~
Commander! I live to serve. Just give the word and I'll lead our forces to victory once more!
Sirens have been doing too much sabotage lately, your girlfriend Amagi's too tired, needs a break in your arms..